Wednesday, May 2, 2012


It is true! Blogging isn't easy.  Actually,  writing the stories is easy but thinking of stories to write is very hard.  I have been doing it for a couple of years and at first I had tons of ideas for stories.  But after a while I ran out of ideas. Now I am constantly picking my brain to think of a new idea for each day.  I watch the newspapers, watch TV, and literally  watch everything around me for an idea.  I am actually using ideas now that I thought of a long time ago but discarded them because I didn't think they were good enough. Now some of them seem brilliant after reviewing again.

I have great respect for people who write columns for newspapers or magazines on a regular basis. I now know what they must face every day of their lives coming up with new ideas.  Some categories may be easier than others.  My blogs are  based on stories of my family and our past lives. There are only so many stories in my past and I think I have about reached the end of them!

Actually, I know there are probably many stories that are there--I just have to remember them. So if I miss a day putting on a post just know that I am here thinking hard about one I can put on next.

Also, my life and my family's lives  are  still going on so maybe there will be some new things come up (good I hope) for me to write about!

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