Sunday, March 25, 2012


The gradual process of eliminating Mr Penney
Have you noticed lately that JCPenney has been using a new logo?  I saw some time  ago that they said they would start using the new one in February.

I looked in last Sunday's ad section and I saw this one ad that had a great big JCP up in one corner, nothing else to identify the store, just the JCP.  JCPenney came to my mind.  I looked all through the pamphlet and on the very last page there was a small mention of JCPenney.  It was as if they were making you guess who the store was.

What is wrong with JCPenney?  That is what they have been using for many, many years. Who or what is behind this big change? Mr Penney has been gone for many years so it is certain that it isn't his idea. It is  like Sears would suddenly came out with the name SAR (for Sears and Roebuck). That would be stupid!  Maybe it is a private matter. Who knows?

Anyway, I suppose now that I have discovered who JCP is and I see something I like there I will buy it; but for me it will always be JCPenney, not JCP!

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