Saturday, March 31, 2012

Our First TV

Back in about 1952 or near then, we moved into our new house on Reed Street. We had neighbors right next door who moved in around the same time we did.  They were near our age and we became friends immediately. 

At that time TVs were just becoming popular but neither we nor they (the neighbors)had TVs yet. I had a plan all figured out about how I was  going to arrange our living room when we did get a TV.  I excitedly told Jean, the neighbor, all about my plan.  Then it was a few weeks before we finally decided to get the TV. We had bought our TV and it was going to be delivered soon. Their Living room was almost identical in  dimension  and size to ours.

Would you believe, the week before our TV was to be delivered, I looked out one day and there was a TV truck next door with a TV in it and the antenna was all laid out in the yard ready to be installed.  This was all done without them telling us anything about it.

Later, after the TV was all installed, Jean asked us over to see it.   
I was shocked to see my  floor plan  all laid out exactly as I had described it to her. I was devastated.  She had stolen my idea!  They had beaten us to the punch on arrangement  plans. I think they had an idea all along to get their TV before we did, which was fine if they had not stole my idea for the arrangement of it. After that when

we did get our TV  we felt as if we had copied them instead of them copying us. After that I learned to keep my mouth shut about anything I didn't want them to copy! She
never mentioned anything about using my idea but I am sure she realized it was my idea.

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